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Nathan Improv Homepage now
All dates 2022
25th and 26th June, 11am - 5pm: In-person - Level 1 Fundamentals of Improv Comedy - click
Only taking group bookings at the moment! Email to book me.
The workshops shall explore spontaneity and its application to create comedy live.
Level One: Fundamentals of Improv Comedy
In the weekend intensive, we shall explore thoughts on the use of fun, enhancing the performance of the players through using playfulness in their improvisation. Its rather obvious that fun is engaging to see and is also fun for the performers. Playfulness gets us out of the way of ego, judgement and expectations, which are three elements that kill our improv. We shall search the basics of improvisation: listening, agreement and adding, committing and supporting each other. Improv is an open art form, where we search for freedom and honesty for comedy!
Level Two: Efficiency in Scenework
This weekend intensive, it's an ambush of delight, as the search and insight into getting our improv to be as efficient as we can, as we affectively work the improviser. Looking at the elements of our improv that assist us with being engaged and effortless, the scenes will be plenty. It will be the workout fit for a king. Exploring the style of the group, we shall keep ourselves yurning for the next step with intrigue of how fluent our efforts proves our ease.
Level Three: Game of the Scene
The course begins by developing students with a deeper understanding of comedy in scenic improv and reaching an effortlessly funny scene. First, students focus on knowing their fun. Next the students will practice using 'Game of the Scene' in one clear method. Students will be working on improvising 'sketch-like' scenes.
Format Days:
A day of a specific format as they were either originally designed or bastardised version, for the purpose of their unique skill offerings and development opportunities.
This series of format days shall express the importance of formats. We delve into the schools of thought behind them; their wealth of assets; the variety in the small segment of improvisation that is our improv comedy realm.
Such as:
La Ronde
Openings (i.e. invocation; monologues; pattern game; scene painting)
Living Room
One Act
The Bat
and more...
Level Four: Harold #1 Training Wheels
In the course, we explore the elements of what makes the form work. We shall seek out the points of development that the production offers and be able to perform a basic 'training wheels' Harold. After recapping performer's focus, game of the scene and the literal structure of the form, we delve into themes and beats; gaining source material and accomplishing 'group games'; closing and re-incorporation.
Level Five: Harold #2 Advanced
In this course, we build on the first Harold course by seeking a full free-flowing Harold that requires a tight ensemble and acute awareness of how the source material is used; the overall production and the way the cast follows the show; using the suggestion fully; embellishing themes to a complete effect.
Weekly Drop-in Class
These are closed with the pandemic. I hope the community begins these in the future. It would be based as a practice group from my weekend classes.